Years of work expeirece

Welcome to Kura Organization

About Kura Organization

‘‘Kura organization’’ is a local non-profit organization which was created in the year 2013 and got a legal personality in 2023. The organization was created in order to promote the wellbeing and social development of the population through combating drug abuse, unplanned pregnancies, delinquency and prostitution. Having realised the upsurge of such issues and their negative impact expressly among young people and the society at large, we felt an avid passion to create a platform through which such issues will be addressed.
Kura Organization Vision

Our Core Values

We are a local non-profit organization which was created in the year 2013 and got a legal personality in 2023.
More about Kura

Our Objectives

Combating drug addiction which often results in unplanned teen pregnancies and delinquency

Fostering poverty alleviation through vocational training courses that will benefit the most vulnerable the community

Training women and young people in the area of entrepreneurship and development

Promoting the culture of resilience, and social transformation through mentorship lessons

What they say about Us


Here are some testimonials of members who worked with Kura Organization.